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📷 : @thejournallife

By: Jacqueline Stewart

Research shows that the percentage of women authors and writers varies from a minimum of 18.47% to a maximum of 27.38%. This information tells us that there is still only a small number of women who have been brave enough to write their stories. These percentages can increase by women from all cultures and backgrounds who aspire to write in some form or fashion. In doing so our voices, dreams, desires and fantasies are elevated, heard, known and seen.

Maybe you have a story leaping around in your mind, but you have yet to find the courage to put it on paper and out into the world. Maybe you have small concepts dancing around in your heart, and you feel stuck in allowing them to flow. I want to encourage you to cast your fears aside and clothe yourself with confidence. Be willing to share your masterful words of art with your audience. Know that you have what it takes. The universe is rooting for you while your destined crowd is waiting to support you.

Yeah, I know that when doubt creeps in sometimes we need a little push, so consider this YOUR push. 

Join Jacqueline Stewart with other aspiring women writers to learn how to transition your story idea/s to an outline that will help you on your writing journey.

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